Rethink Mental Health Aims to help everyone affected by severe mental health problems achieve a better quality of life.
About Rethink
Rethink is the largest national voluntary sector provider of mental health services with over 290 services and 139 support groups. Their services help almost 4,000 people every day
Founded over 30 years ago (originally The National Schizophrenia Fellowship – NSF) to give a voice to people affected by severe mental illness and today, with over 8,300 members, they remain determined that this voice will continue to be heard. They help over 48,000 people every year through their services, support groups and by providing information on mental health problems.
Their aim is to make a practical and positive difference by providing hope and empowerment through effective services, information and support to all those who need them. People who use their services and their carers are at the heart of Rethink’s vision and they believe that all those who experience severe mental illness are entitled to be treated with respect and as equal citizens. They carry out research which informs both their own and national mental health policy and actively campaign for change through greater awareness and understanding. Dedicated to creating a world where prejudice and discrimination are eliminated.
A wide range of services include: advocacy, carer support, community support,criminal justice, crisis, employment and training, helpline and advice, housing, nursing and residential care, respite, talking treatments and young people. The support offered spans from acute and long-term care through to practical support and advice.
People who use their services play a central role in determining how they run the services. They provide high quality services that are carefully planned, managed and monitored and support the people who use the services towards achieving their potential.
They rigorously examine their services to find better approaches to their provision, and explore innovative and imaginative strategies for developing and delivering services that build new partnerships and ways of working with people with severe mental illness and other mental health problems.
What is a Rethink group?
A group of people with a common purpose.
Rethink Groups take many forms depending on the needs of the Group members. Groups can be for Carers only, for people who have lived experience of mental illness or for both.
Activities vary and can include a focus on:
- Self help
- Information
- Peer support
- Campaigning
- Fundraising
Many groups include all of these. Group meetings vary; some weekly, some monthly and others support each other by telephone and internet.
Your Voice is the magazine for people affected by severe mental illness and their carers. It’s full of the latest updates and advice, personal stories and accounts, features by experts, ways to campaign, and more.Available from Rethink’s Mental Health Shop, or free to members.
If you would like to receive Your Voice free every quarter please join by calling 0845 456 0455.
How to access the Service
Referrals to the Reconnect floating support service can be made on behalf of an individual by a professional involved in their care, for example GPs, Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams etc; or individuals or their carers can contact us directly.
Rethink provides a large number of high quality housing related services for people with severe mental illness. They offer a full range of housing solutions to meet the requirements of individuals who can live independently, but who need some level of support.
Carer Support
Rethink offers a number of specialist services across the country for carers of people with severe mental illness.They also provide more than 138 groups which meet regularly to give carers and people with severe mental illness a support network in their local area.
Crisis Service
Rethink is passionate about the delivery of alternative services to adults experiencing mental health crisis. They have comprehensive experience of setting up and running crisis accommodation services.
Rethink has a number of helpline services, which offer practical and emotional support and signposting to those experiencing severe mental illness, their carers and relatives.
As a member of the Mental Health Helplines Partnership, all their helpline services adhere to their quality standards and are freephone as well as recovery focused. They are working towards having RNID Typetalk and have access to Language Line.
Range of helpline services includes:
- several large 24 hours, seven days a week helpline services, operated by paid staff and covering a number of geographical areas
- an Asian Mental Health Helpline Service which provides a culturally sensitive service for the Asian community. The service offers access to information and support in Gujarati, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and English
- innovative 24 hours, seven days a week helpline services that in some cases are directly linked to crisis accommodation and are working in partnership with local Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams
For example, Rethink’s National Information and Advice Service provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving help to health professionals, employers and staff. The National Information and Advice Service team also provides evidence to the media, government and their own research team to improve mental health policy. Staff possess a wealth of in-depth knowledge and experience. They are highly trained to provide specific solution based guidance and offer information and advice to almost 8,000 people a year.
Rethink general enquiries
Telephone: 0845 456 0455 or email:info@rethink.org
Rethink advice and helpline service
Telephone: 0207 840 3188 or 0845 456 0455 (open 10am to 2pmMonday – Friday) or e-mail: advice@rethink.org
Rethink’s Head Office and Registered Office merged and moved to Vauxhall on September 15th 2008:
Rethink Head Office and Registered Office is now
89 Albert Embankment