Disabilities and Medical Conditions

Guides and information on health and medical conditions that may lead to disability and chronic illness

See also: Mental Health Disabilities and Issues – Menu

Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Acid Reflux (Gord) – Heartburn – A Guide

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a common condition, where acid from the stomach leaks up into the oesophagus (gullet). The ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Acne Vulgaris – A Guide

Acne is a common skin condition that causes spots and pimples to develop on the skin, usually on the face, ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Alcohol Misuse – Dependence – A Guide

Alcohol misuse means drinking excessively and more than the recommended limits. People with alcohol dependence have an excessive desire to ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Allergies – Environmental – A Guide

Allergy is the word used to describe an adverse (bad) reaction that the body has to a particular substance in ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Amputation (Surgical) – A Guide

An amputation is the surgical removal of part of the body, usually a leg or an arm causing disability Introduction ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Anaemia – Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia and folate deficiency anaemia causing the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells. Tiredness, fatigue ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Angina Pectoris – A Guide

Angina Pectoris is a syndrome that is caused when the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart becomes restricted causing ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Ankylosing Spondylitis – A Guide

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a type of chronic (long-term) arthritis that affects parts of the spine, including the bones, muscles ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Aphasia – A Guide

Aphasia is a language disorder where people have problems speaking and writing and also understanding both the spoken and written ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Arrhythmia – A Guide

A cardiac arrhythmia is the medical term for an irregular heartbeat or abnormal heart rhythm. Overview Arrhythmias or heart rhythm ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Arthritis – A Guide

A Guide to Arthritic Conditions including links to types, treatment, physiotherapy, diet, occupational therapy, aids and equipment. All Arthritic conditions ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Asthma – A Guide

Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways, a long-term condition, which can cause  cough, wheeze and breathlessness. The severity ...
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Atherosclerosis – A Guide

Atherosclerosis is a potentially serious condition where the body’s medium and large arteries become clogged up by fatty substances, such ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Atopic Eczema – A Guide

Atopic eczema is the most common form of eczema. Also called atopic dermatitis, it mainly affects children, but can also ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Autism – Asperger Syndrome

A lifelong developmental disability, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour. Asperger ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Back Pain – A Guide

Back pain is a common condition that affects most people at some point during their life. Most cases of back ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Breast Cancer (Female) – A Guide

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. About 46,000 women get breast cancer in the UK each ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Brittle Bone Disease – A Guide

The disease osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), more commonly known as brittle bone disease, is a congenital disease causing bone fractures in ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Bronchitis – A Guide

Bronchitis is an infection of the main airways of the lungs (bronchi), which causes them to become inflamed. It is ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Bunion – Hallux Valgus – A Guide

A bunion is a bony swelling at the base of the big toe. The medical name for a bunion is ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Burns and Scalds – A Guide

The damage to the human body caused by burns and scalds can range in severity from a mildly annoying injury ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – A Guide

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a relatively common condition that causes pain, numbness and a burning or tingling sensation in ...
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Cerebral Palsy – A Guide

Neurological damage to a child’s brain causes cerebral palsy, which normally occurs before, during or soon after birth. Types Symptoms ...
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Guide

Causing long-term tiredness (fatigue) – chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects everyday life. It does not go away with sleep or ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

A Guide to Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Club Foot – A Guide

Club foot is a deformed ankle and foot and is present at birth. The ankle is twisted and the foot ...
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Constipation – A Guide

Affecting people of all ages, constipation is a very common condition. It can mean that you are not passing stools ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Coronary Heart Disease – A Guide

Coronary heart disease is the UK’s biggest killer, with one in every four men and one in every six women ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Crohn’s Disease – A Guide

A chronic (long-term) condition, Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system. Introduction Symptoms Causes Diagnosing Treating ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Cystic Fibrosis – A Guide

Cystic fibrosis is a common inherited disease. It affects over 8,500 children and young adults in the UK, where five ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Deafblindness – A Guide

Deafblindness is a term that describes a number of conditions involving both vision and hearing problems Introduction Symptoms of deafblindness ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Deafness – Hearing Problems

Information and advice for people who are deaf or have hearing problems. Organisations and charities offering help. Your GP, your ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Deep Vein Thrombosis – A Guide

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in one of the deep veins in the body. It can lead ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Dehydration – A Guide

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, is more than amount that is taken ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Diabetes – A Guide

Diabetes can lead to disabling conditions because the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Diarrhoea – A Guide

Diarrhoea is passing looser or more frequent stools than is normal for you. You may get diarrhoea after being in contact with someone else who has ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Double Vision – A Guide

Double vision (its medical term is diplopia) is seeing two images of a single object. The two images may be ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Down’s Syndrome – A Guide

Down’s syndrome is a genetic disorder that was named after John Langdon Down, the doctor who first recognised it as ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Dyslexia – A Guide

Dyslexia, or developmental reading disorder, is characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension despite normal ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Dysphagia – A Guide

Dysphagia is a medical term that is used to refer to difficulties with swallowing. Some people with dysphagia have problems ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – A Guide

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is commonly described as a collection of inherited conditions that fit into a larger group, known as ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Fainting – A Guide

Fainting is a sudden, temporary loss of consciousness that usually results in a fall. Consciousness is usually regained within a ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Fibromyalgia – A Guide

Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome, is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. Introduction Symptoms of fibromyalgia ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Food Allergy – A Guide

A food allergy is when the immune system experiences an adverse reaction to specific proteins found in food. It can ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Food Poisoning – A Guide

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. Usually not serious, most people get better within a few ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Glandular Fever – A Guide

Glandular fever mostly affects teenagers and young adults. It gets better without treatment, but it can make you feel very ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Glaucoma – A Guide

A group of eye conditions, glaucoma affects vision. It often affects both eyes, usually in varying degrees. One eye may ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Gout – A Guide

Gout is a common type of arthritis. The symptoms of gout include painful swelling and inflammation in one or more ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Haemorrhoids (piles) – A Guide

Also known as piles, haemorrhoids are enlarged and swollen blood vessels in or around the lower rectum and anus. Solid ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Hair Loss – Alopecia – A Guide

Alopecia is the general medical term for hair loss. There are many types of hair loss with different symptoms and causes ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Hangover – A Guide

A hangover is the unpleasant symptoms you suffer when you drink too much alcohol and the intoxicating effect of the ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Hay Fever – Allergic Rhinitis – A Guide

Hay fever is a type of allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the nose) caused by the allergen ‘pollen’ with symptoms including ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Headaches – A Guide

Many people in the UK get headaches regularly, making them one of the most common health issues Tension Headaches Migraines ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Heart Attack – A Guide

A heart attack (medically called a myocardial infarction) is a serious medical emergency in which the supply of blood to ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Heart Palpitations – A Guide

Heart palpitations are heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable. Although alarming they are usually harmless Overview With palpitations your heart ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Hepatitis – A Guide

Hepatitis is a medical condition defined by inflammation and swelling of the liver that can occur as the result of ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Hernia – A Guide

A hernia is when an internal part of the body, such as an organ, pushes through a weakness in the ...
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High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

A guide to high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, usually defined as having a sustained blood pressure of 140/90mmHg ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

High Cholesterol – A Guide

Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid. Made by the liver from the fatty foods we eat, it ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Hip Replacement – A Guide

A hip replacement is a surgical procedure to replace your hip joint with an artificial version. It provides a long-term ...
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HIV and AIDS – A Guide

HIV is a virus (human immunodeficiency virus) that attacks the immune system, and weakens your ability to fight infections and ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Huntington’s Disease – A Guide

Huntington’s disease is an inherited disease of the brain, for which there is no cure. Introduction Symptoms of Huntington’s disease ...
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Impotence – Erectile Dysfunction – A Guide

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and maintain an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. ED ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Incontinence – Urinary and Faecal

A guide to urinary and faecal incontinence coping strategies and management. Information, Advice and Sources of Help for sufferers, disabled ...
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Infertility – A Guide

Infertility is when a couple, despite having regular unprotected sex do not conceive (get pregnant). Figures show that one in ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Insomnia – A Guide

Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough to feel refreshed the next morning. This happens ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – A Guide

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic (long-term) disorder that affects the digestive system. It causes abdominal pain, diarrhoea and ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Kidney Infection- A Guide

A kidney infection usually occurs when a bacterial infection (typically e-coli bacteria) moves up from the bladder or urethra and ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Knee Replacement Surgery – A Guide

In knee replacement surgery (arthroplasty), a damaged, worn or diseased knee is replaced with an artificial joint. Introduction Why knee ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Learning Disabilities – Resources

Local authorities, the NHS and voluntary organisations work to help people with learning disabilities to achieve more of their potential ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Loss of libido – Sex Drive

See also: Low Male Libido – Sex Drive Products Overview While the desire to have sex and ability to attain ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Lung Cancer – A Guide

Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer Introduction Symptoms of lung cancer Causes of ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Lupus – A Guide

Lupus erythematosus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Macular Degeneration – A Guide

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a painless eye condition, usually in both eyes, that causes you to lose central vision ...
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Mesothelioma and Asbestos – A Guide

Asbestos is a known carcinogen, and many old buildings include asbestos in the walls, ceilings, and floors. It is a ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Migraine – A Guide

A migraine is a severe headache usually felt as a throbbing pain at the front or on one side of ...
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Motor Neurone Disease – A Guide

Motor neurone disease (MND) is a rare, serious and incurable condition where over time, the nerves in the brain and ...
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Multiple Sclerosis – A Guide

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common neurological condition in young adults in the UK, affecting around 85,000 people. Introduction ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Muscular Dystrophy – A Guide

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a genetic (inherited) condition that over time gradually causes the muscles to weaken. This leads to ...
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Obesity – A Guide

Obesity is when a person is carrying too much body fat for their height and sex. A person is considered ...
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Oedema – A Guide

Oedema is the medical term for fluid retention in the body. It was formerly known as dropsy or hydropsy and ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Osteoarthritis – A Guide

Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects the joints. It is the most common type of arthritis in the UK, with ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Osteoporosis – A Guide

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones, causing them to become weak and fragile and more likely to break ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Overactive Thyroid – A Guide

Overactive thyroid, also known as hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, is a condition that occurs when there is too much thyroid hormone ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Paralysis – A Guide

Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move one or more muscles. It may be associated with loss of feeling ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Parkinson’s Disease – A Guide

The long-term chronic neurological condition Parkinson’s disease affects around 120,000 people in the UK Introduction Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease Causes ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Pneumonia – A Guide

Pneumonia is swelling (inflammation) of the tissue in one or both of your lungs which is usually caused by an ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Pressure Ulcers and Pressure Area Care

A guide to pressure ulcers known also as pressure sores, or bed sores. They occur when the skin and underlying ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Psoriasis – A Guide

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales. The condition is ...
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Radiotherapy – A Guide

Commonly used to treat cancer, radiotherapy is a treatment involving the use of precisely targeted high-energy radiation History and Overview ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Restless Leg Syndrome – A Guide

Also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, restless legs syndrome is a common condition of the nervous system that causes an overwhelming, ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Rheumatoid Arthritis – A Guide

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that causes pain and swelling in the joints. Hands, feet and wrists are commonly affected, ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Sciatica – A Guide

Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic ...
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Scoliosis – A Guide

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine to one side. In people with the condition, the spine bends either ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Sexually Transmitted Infections or STIs – A Guide

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by infections passed from one person ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Shingles – A Guide

Shingles is an infection of a nerve and the area of skin around it. It is caused by the herpes ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Sickle Cell Disease – A Guide

Sickle cell disease affects the red blood cells and is the name for a group of inherited conditions. Sickle cell ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Sinusitis – A Guide

Sinusitis is a condition where the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed. It’s usually caused by a viral infection and ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Sleep Apnea – A Guide

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a condition where the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep, interrupting normal ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Spina Bifida – A Guide

Spina bifida is a term that is used to refer to a series of birth defects that affect the development ...
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Sports Injuries – A Guide

Injuries and disability caused by sporting activities and exercising Introduction Symptoms of sports injuries Causes of sports injuries Treating sports ...
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Stammering and Speech Impediment

Stammering, or stuttering, is a speech impediment and problem relatively common which occurs in childhood and can persist into adulthood ...
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Stroke – A Guide

A stroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. Introduction Symptoms ...
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Tennis Elbow – A Guide

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that often occurs as a result of strenuous overuse of the muscles and tendons ...
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Tinnitus – A Guide

Tinnitus is the medical name for the perception of noise in one ear, both ears or in the head. The ...
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Tourette syndrome (TS) – A Guide

Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette’s syndrome) is a neurological condition that affects the brain and nervous system. It is characterised ...
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Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)

A transient ischaemic attack (TIA), or ‘mini-stroke’, is a temporary fall in the blood supply to part of the brain ...
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Underactive Thyroid – A Guide

A Guide to Hypothyroidism which means a low level of thyroid hormone (called thyroxine, or T4) in the blood. The ...
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Varicose Veins – A Guide

Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on the legs and are usually blue or dark purple in ...
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Vertigo – A Guide

Vertigo is the sensation that you or the environment around you is moving or spinning.  It is commonly caused by ...
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Whiplash Injury – A Guide

A traumatic neck injury, whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the head forwards, backwards or sideways. It often ...
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