Bath Seats for Disabled and Elderly People
Using a bath seat makes bathing easier for elderly and disabled people with mobility problems and are easily placed in the bath making getting in or out of the bath less demanding and safer
Using a bath seat makes bathing easier for elderly and disabled people with mobility problems and are easily placed in the bath making getting in or out of the bath less demanding and safer
Buy useful aids to help you in the garden if you are elderly, have mobility problems, arthritis or other joint impairments
Choose from a selection of perching stools designed with elderly and disabled people in mind. Extra support for every day activities like ironing, in the kitchen, garden or shower
This section provides a choice of products giving magnification and extra light to assist reading and everyday activities for those with sight problems. Poor vision can be extremely frustrating and these traditional and modern solutions...
Toileting aids if you are ill and for disabled people and the elderly. Male and female bed pans and urine bottles
Having the right equipment to enable a disabled person to live more independently and also help their carers is vital.