UK toll concessions at road bridges and tunnels for Blue Badge Holders (disabled people)
Blue Badge holders are exempt from tolls at certain river crossings, bridges and tunnels. Further details of these concessions are set out below.
In some cases, you will have to apply in advance to qualify for a concession. As toll operators sometimes vary their concessions it is a good idea to check with the owners or operators before you travel.
Cleddau Bridge (A477. Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire)
A deal to scrap tolls on a road bridge in Pembrokeshire has been agreed between the county council and the Welsh Government.
Website: www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/bridge
Clifton Suspension Bridge (B3129 West of Bristol)
For people in receipt of the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, or exemption from Vehicle Excise Duty (Road tax), a concessionary rate of £10 with unlimited crossings for a 12-month period is available on production of the relevant certification. Disabled concession application forms are available on request by email, telephone, or in person from a bridge attendant.
Tel: 0117 973 1579
Email: bridgemaster@cliftonbridge.org.uk
Website: https://cliftonbridge.org.uk/crossing-the-bridge/
Dartford – Thurrock River Crossing (River Thames)
People who are exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty (Road tax) can cross for free.
If you’re driving a vehicle that’s exempt from vehicle tax because you’re disabled your vehicle will be checked automatically when you cross – you do not need to do anything.
Pay the Dartford Crossing charge (Dart Charge): https://www.gov.uk/pay-dartford-crossing-charge
Contact Dart Charge: https://www.dartford-crossing-charge.service.gov.uk/Static/ContactUsUnauthenticatedUser
Humber Bridge (Near Hull)
The Humber Bridge Board provides toll exemptions for people in receipt of the higher rate of mobility component and the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or the enhanced rate of Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and who have a fully tax-exempt vehicle. The disabled person does not have to be the driver.
Email: admin@humbertag.com
Website: https://www.humberbridge.co.uk/humberbridge/toll-charges-restrictions/toll-concessions/
Itchen Bridge (A3025 Woolston-Southampton)
Southampton residents and non-residents can apply for exemption from paying the toll on the Itchen Bridge with a SmartCities card as a driver or passenger.
More information see: https://www.southampton.gov.uk/travel-transport/apply-pay/itchen-bridge/smartcities/
M6 Motorway (Birmingham Toll)
If you are disabled or an organisation which transports disabled persons you may be entitled to an M6toll Mobility Exemption Pass (MEP).
Exemption will only be granted when producing an M6toll MEP and when the registered disabled person is present in the nominated vehicle.
Please note: The blue badge scheme does not provide the verification required to differentiate between those who are entitled to exemption and those who are not.
To claim exemption in our toll lanes, you must present a valid MEP. If the tolling booth is unmanned, please press the ‘call for assistance’ button to enable your exemption to be verified.
CCTV is in operation to assist in verification.
To qualify for an MEP, the applicant must be in receipt of one of the following:
- The higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
- Attendance Allowance
- Enhanced rate of the mobility component of the Personal Independence Allowance
- The War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
If an applicant meets the qualifying criteria, but has made a journey prior to application, we will refund the last toll paid. Proof of payment is required.
If you think you may be eligible for our mobility pass, please complete the application form or call our customer service team on 0330 660 0790.
Contact: https://www.m6toll.co.uk/contact-us/
Website: www.m6toll.co.uk
Mersey Tunnel (Liverpool-Wirral)
You can apply for the Mersey Tunnels Concessionary Travel Scheme if:-
- You have a Disabled Person’s (Blue) Parking Badge.
- You receive the highest rate of mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance.
- You are over 65 and receive the highest rate of Attendance Allowance.
- You receive the enhanced rate of mobility component of the Personal Independence Payment.
- You receive the mobility supplement of a war pension.
Merseytravel offers free travel on all buses, trains and Mersey Ferries river crossings for anyone with certain disabilities who lives in Merseyside.
Website: https://www.merseytravel.gov.uk/tickets-and-pricing/people-with-disabilities
Severn Bridge and Second Severn Crossing (M4 England – Wales)
Tolls to cross the Severn bridges into Wales were officially scrapped in 2018
Tamar Bridge
There is no State subsidy for Disadvantaged or Disabled Travellers, and the sole source of funding for the Mobility Concession Smartcard is from the tolls paid by other motorists.
To apply for the Mobility Scheme you can either download the mobility pass application form and rules, or obtain a form from the Torpoint Ferry Office. The completed application form should be sent to the Torpoint Ferry Office.
Email: enquiries@tamarcrossings.org.uk
Website: https://www.tamarcrossings.org.uk/
Mobility Scheme application: https://www.tamarcrossings.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Mobility_Application_New_updated_sep_16.pdf
Tay Road Bridge (Newport-on-Tay Dundee)
Bridge tolls were abolished with effect from 11 February 2008.
Contact: https://www.tayroadbridge.co.uk/contact
Website: https://www.tayroadbridge.co.uk/
Tyne Tunnel (Near Newcastle)
Exemptions are available for those who do not have to pay Vehicle Excise Duty (Road tax) or have a Blue Badge.
TT2 Limited
Tyne Tunnels 2
Administration Building
asf ghjkTyne and Wear
NE28 0PD
Email: tt2limited@tt2.co.uk
Information about the Tyne Tunnels toll concession and application: https://www.tt2.co.uk/tolls/toll-exemption-accounts/
If you have difficulty completing the application form as a result of your disability please contact by telephone (0191 262 4451), by e-mail (tt2limited@tt2.co.uk) or in person at the address above
Whitchurch Bridge (B471 Pangbourne-Whitchurch)
The Company allows free crossings for disabled persons who are in receipt of the High Rate of the Mobility Component of the DLA, Enhanced Rate of PIP, or War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement, whose vehicles are registered in the Disabled Class. Disabled persons need to pre-register with the Company using the Disabled Driver Registration Form which may be downloaded here or obtained on request from the Toll Collectors.