Organisations, charities and therapists who can assist if you have difficulty speaking.
Difficulty speaking and communicating can have causes including learning disabilities, physical disabilities like cerebral palsy, strokes, brain injury, neurological diseases and cancers of the head and neck.
Some children have severe problems in learning to speak although their physical and mental development is otherwise normal. You can get help from speech and language therapists and from the voluntary organisations who specialise in this area.
Speech and Language Therapists
Speech and language therapists are professionally trained to help children and adults who have impaired communications in either understanding or producing speech and language. Sometimes the therapist might advise using a communication aid.
You can find out about local services by contacting your local NHS speech and language service through your GP
or the health authority (Scotland: Health Board) whose number is in the phone book.
Communication Matters
is a UK national charitable organisation of members concerned with the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) needs of people with complex communication needs.
Communication Matters is also known as ISAAC (UK) – the UK Chapter of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) – and is a core member of the Communication Forum.
Mailing address:
Communication Matters
Catchpell House
Carpet Lane
EH6 6SPTel & Fax: 0845 456 8211 (International +44 131 467 7487)
Website: https://www.communicationmatters.org.uk
Associate Members with communication impairment as one of their concerns: Aid for Children with Tracheostomies/
Children’s Head Injury Trust/ Cleft Lip and Palate Association/ Contact a Family/ Council for Disabled Children/ Downs Syndrome Association/ Headway/ IPSEA (Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice/Liberator Ltd/ Mencap/ Motor Neurone Disease Association/ Multiple Sclerosis Society/ National Autistic Society/ Paget Gorman Society/ RAD/ RNIB/ RNID/ Speakeasy.
Speech-therapy-on-video.com – is a valuable source of information for patients with communication deficits as well
as their care-givers.
Developed by certified speech-language pathologists, the site provides explanations on speech and language disorders, tips on how to optimize communication skills, and DVDs that present clinical speech therapy so patients can practice at home.
Founded in 1968 as a parent-led organisation to help children and young people with speech and language impairments and their families. We provide information and training for parents – and professionals – and produce a range of publications. Members meet in local groups in many areas of the UK.
Afasic seeks to raise awareness and to create better services and provision for children and young people with speech and language impairments. It works in partnership with local and national government, professional and statutory bodies and other voluntary organisations.
Website: https://www.afasic.org.uk/
The British Stammering Association
offers a UK-wide information and counselling service. Mutual-aid activities
include early treatment of pre-school dysfluent children. Policy is set by stammerers and parents, with the support
of expert speech and language therapists.
The British Stammering Association
15 Old Ford Road
London E2 9PJ
General telephone: 020 8983 1003
Fax: 020-8983 3591
Website: https://stamma.org/
Email: help@stamma.org
I CAN Talking point
I CAN’s Talking Point gives parents/carers and practitioners the information they need to help children develop their speech, language and communication skills. If a child has difficulty with speaking, they may need help, or they may struggle in nursery or school. With the right help, they can develop the skills they need.
Website: https://www.icancharity.org.uk/
Communication aids
People with severe difficulties in speaking or writing can be helped by communication aids. These range from charts with pictures, symbols and letters or words to electronic voice output devices and specially adapted computers.You may be
able to obtain communication aids from The NHS speech therapy services, local education authorities, schools and colleges, and through the Employment Service.
See also: Equipment
Communication Aids Centres (NHS and Local Authority)
If necessary local professionals will refer you to specialist regional and national communication aids centres which assess the needs and advise on the most suitable aid. The NHS centres are staffed by speech and language therapists and may have occupational therapists and engineers. The following centres assess people of all ages unless otherwise indicated:
Belfast – Communication Advice Centre.
RDS Building, Musgrave Park Hospital, Stockmans Lane, Belfast BT9 7JB
tel: 0289090 2905
Canterbury – Adult Communication and Assistive Technology Service.
Clinical and Rehabilitation Engineering Section, Department of Medical Physics, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, Canterbury CT1 3NG
tel: 01227 864083
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Cardiff – Communication Aids Centre.
ALAC, Rookwood Hospital, Fairwater Road, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2YN tel: 029 2031 3956
Edinburgh – CALL Scotland.
Paterson’s Land, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
tel: 0131 651 6236
Fife – FACCT.
ASDARC Centre, Woodend Road, Cardenden, Fife KY5 0NE
tel: 01592 583375
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Glasgow – SCTCI.
WESTMARC, Southern General Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 4TF
tel: 0141 201 2619
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Leeds – Leeds Communication Aid Service.
Speech and Language Therapy Dept, St Mary’s Hospital, Greenhill Road, Leeds LS12 3QE
tel: 0113 305 5187
Lincoln – Speech & Language Therapy Dept.
92 Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YA
tel: 01522 514814
London – CENMAC.
Charlton School, Charlton Park Road, London SE7 8JB
tel: 020 8854 1019
send email visit website
London – Assistive Communication Service.
Speech Therapy, Parsons Green Health Centre, 5-7 Parsons Green Lane, London SW6 4UL
tel: 020 8846 6626
London – Neurodisability AAC Service.
Level 10, Main Nurses’ Home, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH
tel: 0207 405 9200 (x1146)
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Newcastle-upon-Tyne – Regional Communication Aid Service.
Walkergate Park, Benfield Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 4QD
tel: 0191 287 5240
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Oldham – ACE Centre-North.
Hollinwood Business Centre, Albert Street, Hollinwood, Oldham OL8 3QL
tel: 0161 358 0151
send email visit website
Oxford – ACE Centre.
92 Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7DR
tel: 01865 759800
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Oxford – Specialist Disability Service.
Oxford Centre for Enablement, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Windmill Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LD
tel: 01865 737445
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Sheffield – Sheffield Speech & Language Therapy Agency.
Centenary House, Heritage Park, Albert Terrace Road, Sheffield S6 3BR
tel: 01142 226 2041
Southampton – Communication Aids Service.
Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road, Shirley, Southampton SO16 6YD
tel: 02380 796455
Suffolk – Suffolk Communication Aids Resource Centre
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2QZ
Telephone: 01284 713000
Email: PALS@wsh.nhs.uk
visit website
Truro – Speech & Language Therapy Dept.
Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3LJ
tel: 01872 250000
Yorkshire – Assistive Technology Team.
Medical Physics Dept., Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Gawber Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 2EPtel: 01226 432159
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CENMAC ( Centre for Micro-assisted Communications)
London based, they support learners whose physical inability to communicate effectively through speech or writing hinders their educational progress. By identifying appropriate
technological aids CENMAC helps them gain equal access to the curriculum. In further education, CENMAC has set up MACE (Micro Assistance in Continuing Education) to support young adults with complex physical difficulties who are no longer within the educational system. CENMAC also offers training and consultancy for parents and professionals, and an open day each term.
CENMAC is based at Charlton School in south east London.
CENMAC, Charlton School, Charlton Park Rd, London, SE7 8JB
Tel: 020 8854 1019 Fax: 020 8854 1143
Email: mail@cenmac.com
NNAC (The National Network of Assessment Centres)
Formed in April 2004 from Assessment Centres which had been members of the National Federation of Access Centres (NFAC) and independent centres many of whom were managed by ex-NFAC Assessors and Assessment Centre Managers.
supports the needs of students in further education colleges.
Website: https://www.bookyourdsa.com/
Assessment Centres:
Each assessment or training session is about giving an individual the chance to experience the latest and most appropriate study techniques and aids specific to his or her needs. It is a chance for all to experiment with various types of technology knowing the advice will be professional and unbiased. On-going support and training is available and liaison with those working with the student on a daily basis is offered.
To find a centre visit webpage: https://www.bookyourdsa.com/find-an-assessment-centre/
is a charity formed by the computability Centre and the Foundation for Communication for the Disabled to give information and advice on computer access at home and at work, including adapting technology to the needs of people
with a disability. It is a non profit making charity whose principal role is to make new technology available to disabled people. Staff are able to travel to see people in all parts of the UK to give advice on the most appropriate equipment.
- Freephone 0800 269545 (if you call from home)
or 01926 312847 (if you call from work, minicom accessible) - Fax: 01926 407425
- Email: enquiries@abilitynet.org.uk
Website: https://www.abilitynet.org.uk/
The Sequel Trust
There aim is to bridge the communication gap by supplying specialist communication equipment for disabled people of all ages across the UK
Web: https://www.thesequaltrust.org.uk
The Sequal Trust
3 Ploughman’s Corner
Wharf Road
SY12 0EJ
Phone: 01691 624 222
Email: info@thesequaltrust.org.uk
Communication and Access to Computer Technology – Disability Information Trust
Let’s Talk for parents of children with talking difficulties, by Roy McConkey and Penny Price, Souvenir.