Phone numbers and contact details of charities and organisations offering support and advice in times of difficulty or distress through a mental health problem.
Urgent mental health helplines (England only)
If you live in England, you can call a local NHS urgent mental health helpline for support during a mental health crisis. Anyone can call these helplines, at any time.
The NHS website has more information on urgent mental health helplines, including how to find your local helpline.
Other helplines:
Anxiety UK
08444 775774
email: support@anxietyuk.org.uk
Mon-Fri 09:30 – 17:30
National: User-led, charity offering information and supportive services including therapy and a helpline for all anxiety disorders including panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, phobias, generalised anxiety disorder.
Email support service available.
web: www.anxietyuk.org.uk
Bristol Crisis Service for Women
Mon-Fri 19:00 – 21:00
National: TESS confidential text and email support for girls and young women affected by self injury.
Text: 07800 472908
(charged at your normal rate)
Email: go to our website and follow the link to “TESS text and email support”.
Web: www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk
Bristol Mindline
0808 808 0330
Wed-Sun 20:00 – 00:00
Bristol and surrounding area: Free confidential listening service to anyone in crisis or to callers who need to talk about a range of emotional, mental health and wellbeing issues. This service is also available to carers, friends and family.
Web: www.bristolmind.org.uk
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
0800 58 58 58
email: info@thecalmzone.net
Sat -Tue 17:00 – 00:00
National: A helpline aimed at young men 15-35 offering support, information and signposting. Calls are free from landlines and most mobiles.
Webchat service: 5pm – Midnight everyday.
Webchat: https://www.thecalmzone.net/help/webchat/
Web: https://www.thecalmzone.net/
Combat Stress
0800 138 1619
email: combatstress@rethink.org
Daily 24 hours
National: Free and confidential mental health advice and support. The Combat Stress Helpline is for current and ex-Service personnel, their families and carers, as well
as healthcare professionals.
Text: 07537 404719
Web: https://www.combatstress.org.uk/
Connect Assist Ltd
National: 24/7 support by information, live chat, email or phone for the service users of a variety of charities. Also help charities with systems to collect data including outcomes data cost effectively. Support lines offer information, practical and emotional support to those working and retired individuals and their families.
Web: https://www.connectassist.co.uk/
Crossline and Crossline Hull
0300 111 0101 – 9am to midnight
email: prayer@crossline.karoo.co.uk
Contact form: https://www.crossline.org.uk/contact/
Web: https://www.crossline.org.uk/
National: A confidential Christian staffed helpline, offering prayer (should the caller desire). All volunteers have completed an accredited Listener’s Training Course. Face-to-face prayer ministry can be arranged by fully trained Christian prayer
Doctors’ SupportLine
0844 395 3010
Mon-Tue 20:00 – 23:00
Wed-Fri 20:00 – 22:00
Sun 16:00 – 22:00
National: The Doctors’
SupportLine offers listening and support to any doctor or medical student who needs it – talking things through, looking at options or just sharing the personal problems, large or small. Trained volunteer doctors offer friendly, confidential, anonymous support.
Web: https://www.dsn.org.uk/
Depression Alliance –
Helping people overcome depression. Comprehensive resources to help you on your path to happiness – Online psychiatrists, treatment guides and finding a psychiatrist near you.
England Office
Depression Alliance
20 Great Dover Street
email: help@depressionalliance.org
Web: https://www.depressionalliance.org
Greenwich Mental Health Services
54-56 Ormiston Road, Greenwich, SE10 0LN
Tel: 020 8853 2395
Bromley, Lewisham & Greenwich Mind works alongside people with mental health needs and dementia, to improve their quality of life.
Web: https://www.blgmind.org.uk
Islington Mind
0845 123 23 73
Mon-Sat (inc BH) 17:00 – 21:30
(last call taken at 21:00)
Islington: An out of hours telephone helpline and counselling service, offering people with severe and enduring mental health problems telephone and face-to-face counselling as appropriate.
Web: https://www.islingtonmind.org.uk/
Mind infoline
0300 123 3393
email: info@mind.org.uk
Mon-Fri 09:00 – 18:00
National: A mental health information service to service users, professionals, carers and the general public contacting us by letter, phone or email. We offer information, support and understanding and suggest possible options to enable people to make informed choices.
Web: https://www.mind.org.uk/
Mindline Somerset
01823 276892
Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun 20:00 – 00:00
Somerset: Confidential helpline devoted to mental health issues: for anyone experiencing emotional distress. Our callers are of all ages and whether they need our support, require information or signposting to other agencies, we give them time and space to be heard, consider their options with understanding and encouragement.
Web: https://www.mindtws.org.uk/
NHS 111
Daily 24 hours
National: Provides information and advice about health, illness and health services to enable callers to make decisions about their healthcare and that of their families.
Nightline Association
For more information including opening hours or to find your local Nightline visit www.nightline.ac.uk
National: Network and support organisation for 33 Nightlines across the UK and Ireland. Nightlines are confidential listening and information services run by and for students overnight in their Universities and Colleges.
OCD Action
0845 3906232
email: support@ocdaction.org.uk
Mon-Fri 10:00 – 16:00
National: Support and information line for people affected by obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders.
Web: www.ocdaction.org.uk
Ok Rehab
0800 326 5559
Email: info@okrehab.org
Daily 24 hours
OK Rehab specialises in local drug and alcohol rehab and addiction treatment. This treatment is available via both inpatient and outpatient treatment providers. We also work with clinics that are able to facilitate treatment taking place in your own home, who are able to provide professional intervention and home detoxification.
Web: https://www.okrehab.org/
0800 068 41 41
Mon-Fri 10:00 – 17:00
Mon-Fri 19:00 – 22:00
Sat & Sun 14:00 – 17:00
National: Confidential helpline giving support and practical advice to young people worried about themselves and to anyone else concerned that a young person they know
may be at risk of harming themselves.
Web: www.papyrus-uk.org
Premier Lifeline
0207 316 0808
Daily 09:00 – 00:00
National: Confidential helpline offering a listening ear, emotional and spiritual support from a Christian perspective and where appropriate signposting.
Web: www.premier.org.uk/lifeline
Premier Mind and Soul
Mind and Soul is a Christian response to mental health aiming to offer information, resources and networking through its website.
Web: https://www.mindandsoulfoundation.org/
0800 140 4690
email: info@rehab4addiction.co.uk
Website: https://www.rehab4addiction.co.uk
Rehab 4 Addiction was founded to assist those affected by substance misuse and their loved ones. They can offer immediate access to quality rehabilitation centres in literally any corner of the United Kingdom. Finding the right rehabilitation centre is not as simple as you might think. If you search the internet for ‘rehabilitation centre’ the number of options is vast and often confusing. And since your budget is a factor in your choice of rehabilitation centre you may give up before you even begin to round the number of options down to a manageable number. Their admissions team will work within the confines of your budget, ensuring you select the most appropriate rehabilitation centre for your specific addiction.
Rochdale and District Mind
0844 894 0180
email: infohelpline@rochdalemind.org.uk
Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00
Rochdale and District: For anyone in the community concerned about mental health issues contact us by phone or email. We help people make informed choices by providing information and resources appropriate to their needs.
Web: www.rochdalemind.org.uk
Scottish Association for Mental Health National Information Service
0800 917 34 66
email: info@samh.org.uk
Mon-Fri 14:00 – 16:00
Scotland: Provides information and signposting in relation to mental health by telephone and email.
Web: www.samh.org.uk
SANE services provide practical help, emotional support and specialist information to individuals affected by mental health problems, their family, friends and carers.
Helpline: 0845 767 8000 (6pm – 11pm)
email: sanemail@sane.org.uk
Support Forum: www.sane.org.uk/DB
The Samaritans
The Samaritans provide 24 hour, confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis.
08457 909090 (24 hours)
Web: www.samaritans.org
Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline
0808 800 2234
email: staffordshire.helpline@brighter-futures.org.uk
Mon-Fri 19:00 – 02:00
Sat-Sun 14:00 – 02:00
Staffordshire: Provides a “safe place” to talk through worries and concerns about your own mental health and emotional wellbeing or that of someone who is close to you across the Staffordshire area. Calls are free and confidential.
Web: www.brighter-futures.org.uk
0845 458 2914
0117 916641
email: help@womankindbristol.org.uk
Mon 10:00 – 12:00 & 20:00 – 22:00
Tue 10:00 – 12:00, 13:00 -15:00
& 20:00 – 22:00
Wed 10:00 -12:00 & 13:00 – 15:00
Thur–Fri 10:00 – 12:00
Bristol: Listening support to women experiencing emotional distress including domestic abuse. Also information on other services such as subsidised counselling.
Web: www.womankindbristol.org.uk
Young Minds Parents Helpline
0808 802 5544
email: parents@youngminds.org.uk
Mon-Fri 09:30 – 16:00
National: Free confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental
health of a child or young person up to the age of 25.
Chat online:
Mon-Fri 11:00-13:00
Web: www.youngminds.org.uk
Before calling a helpline, you might want to consider:
- What times are they open?
- Is it free to call or is there a cost involved?
- Is what you say confidential? For example, many services have policies on what to do if someone says they have attempted suicide or are actively planning to.
- What will you do if the line is busy? It’s often worth trying several times, or you might plan to call back later or try a different service.
You might be able to find this information on the organisation’s website, or you could ask the advisor to explain their policies during the call.