Government contact details and venues if you wish to challenge the decision of a First-tier Tribunal.
There are various steps that you must have taken at that tribunal before you can appeal to the Upper Tribunal. These will have been explained by the First-tier Tribunal office in the information sent with the decision notice.
England and Wales
Upper Tribunal
(Administrative Appeals Chambers)
5th Floor,
Chichester Rents,
81 Chancery Lane,
Tel: 020 7911 7085; Typetalk 18001 020 7911 7085
Web: https://www.justice.gov.uk/tribunals/aa
The Commissioners’ Office in Scotland
George House
126 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 4HH
Tel: 0131 271 4310 Fax: 0131 271 4398
HM Courts and Tribunal Services
Appeal and Tribunal Venues for:
England, Scotland and Wales
Web: https://www.justice.gov.uk/tribunals/sscs/venues
Northern Ireland
Appeals Service (Social Security Appeals)
Contact details for the Appeals Service, who provide administrative support to the independent tribunals set up by legislation to hear appeals against decisions made by the decision makers in the Social Security Agency, Child Maintenance and Enforcement Division, Inland Revenue, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, and Rates Collection Agency
Appeals Service Belfast
Cleaver House
3 Donegall Square
North Belfast BT1 5GA
Phone number 028 9051 8518
Email: Appeals.Service.Belfast@dsdni.gov.uk
The Appeals Service, Omagh
12-14 Dublin Road
BT78 1ES
Tel: (028) 8224 9595
Email: appeals.service.omagh@dsdni.gov.uk
Web: https://www.justice-ni.gov.uk/articles/appeals-service
Appeals are heard at 18 locations across the province
- Armagh
- Ballymena
- Ballymoney
- Banbridge
- Belfast
- Coleraine
- Cookstown
- Craigavon
- Downpatrick
- Dungannon
- Enniskillen
- Limavady
- Londonderry
- Magherafelt
- Newry
- Newtownards
- Omagh
- Strabane