Treatments and Therapies

Methods of health treatment and therapy used to help disabled and ill people – For mental and physical disability

Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Acupuncture – A Guide

Introduction Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine It is a complementary or alternative medicine (CAM). This means that acupuncture is ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Blood Tests – A Guide

Blood tests have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test requested ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Blood Transfusion – A Guide

A blood transfusion is when blood is taken from one person (called the donor) and given to someone else.  They ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Chemotherapy – A Guide

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment for cancer. It uses medication to kill cancerous cells. Introduction How chemotherapy works How chemotherapy ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Chiropody – A Guide

Chiropodists, also sometimes known as podiatrists, treat a wide variety of abnormalities and conditions of the foot and lower limb, ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Chiropractic Treatment – A Guide

A Chiropractor is a health professional concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – A Guide

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that aims to help you manage your anxieties and mental health ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Counselling – Talking Therapy

Counselling is a type of talking therapy where people talk to a counsellor about their problems. Counsellors are trained to ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Diet and Nutrition

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health – especially for those with a disability or ...
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Flu Jab – A Guide

A Guide to having a seasonal flu jab for protection from influenza, a highly infectious respiratory illness caused by a ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

General Anaesthesia – A Guide

General anaesthesia is a state of controlled unconsciousness. During a general anaesthetic, medications are used to send you to sleep, ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Homeopathy – A Guide

Homeopathic medicine is a type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It involves treating people with highly diluted substances (usually ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Kidney Dialysis – A Guide

Kidney failure may require kidney dialysis – an artificial way of getting rid of toxins by replicating many of the ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Local Anaesthetic – A Guide

A Local anaesthetic is when a medication is introduced to an area of the body causing a numbing effect. This ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Medical Professions – Contact Details

The medical professions and professions allied to medicine in the UK. Contact and Address Details. Acupuncturists The British Acupuncture Council ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Occupational Therapy – A Guide

Occupational therapists aim to promote health and wellbeing through everyday activities The College of Occupational Therapists describes this as a ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Orthodontic Dental Treatment – A Guide

Orthodontics is a type of dental treatment that is used to improve the cosmetic appearance, position and function of crooked ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Osteopathy – A Guide

Osteopathy is a manipulation technique that detects and treats problems with the muscles, nerves and joints. Some injured and disabled ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Pharmacists and Chemists – A Guide

Pharmacists (sometimes called chemists) are experts in medicines and how they work. They dispense prescriptions from doctors and play a ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Physiotherapy – A Guide

Physiotherapy, often referred to as physio, uses physical methods, such as massage and manipulation, to promote healing and wellbeing. Physiotherapy ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Preventing Bed Sores – A Guide

The first signs of a bed sore A bed sore is the skin going red or darkening. It may look ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Psychotherapy – A Guide

A Psychotherapist treats you by using talking therapy, helps you understand and accept your strengths and weaknesses, as well as ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Stop Smoking – A Guide

Stopping smoking can make a major improvement to your health and prevent diseases such as COPD and lung cancer. Introduction ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – TENS

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current usually ...
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Ultrasound Scan – A Guide

A medical ultrasound scan can be used by doctors to monitor an unborn baby, diagnose illness, or guide a surgeon during ...
Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Yoga – A Guide

For disabled people and people with health issues most studies suggest yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical ...

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