Focus on Disability is the most comprehensive independent not for profit website devoted and aimed to providing information, guides, products and resources for the disabled community, elderly and carers in the UK.

David Alan Cross: 1950 - 2019
Established in 1999 by David Alan Cross this website's aim has remained the same throughout its years online.
This site offers comprehensive information and advice on a myriad of disability and health related topics - available by using the Advice Category links, "Search Site" function or the Sitemap. All outbound links and resources have a relationship or usefulness for those people with a disability, health issues, the elderly and carers.
Content includes:
- guides and information on benefits
- benefit rates
- allowances
- caring
- disability aids
- mobility aids
- holidays
- travel
- art
- sport
- leisure
- motoring
- disabled parking
- mental health
- disabling conditions
- government
- education
- employment
- therapies
- legal
- discrimination
- special needs
- herbal health products and much more
As well as the information and advice pages, the site provides access to an extensive selection of Disability Aids and Mobility Equipment for disabled people and the elderly and also a wide range of herbal and nutritional products and therapies for health problems.
David's interest in disability issues stemmed from working in Occupational Therapy Departments, Wheelchair Clinics, Special Schools, Orthopaedic Workshops, Patients Homes and he also had a full time caring role, for four years, looking after a much loved mother fading with dementia. He trained in engineering and was a member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Directory of top disability and mobility websites providing resources and services for disabled people, the elderly and their carers
Globally promoting all things disability, care and health related
Coronavirus (COVID-19):
There are three simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other
- Wash hands - keep washing your hands regularly
- Cover face - wear a face covering in enclosed spaces
- Make space - stay at least 2 metres apart - or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions
Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.
Read more about what you can and cannot do (Links to GOV.UK)