Category: Health

Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Why is medical translation so important?

Since we are twice as much on Earth as we were half a century ago, life expectancy has increased, and we humans continue to overstep the laws of nature. In spite of it all, we...

Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

No prescriptions for over the counter medicine

Many GPs will no longer prescribe painkillers, antihistamines or common antibiotics A number of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are banning GPs from prescribing anything that can be bought over the counter. Common treatments, such as...

Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

How is the NHS in England currently funded?

The NHS is funded mainly through general taxation supplemented by National Insurance contributions. While the NHS is generally described as being ‘free at the point of use’, patients have been required to contribute towards the...

Focus on Disability - For Disabled People, the Elderly and their Carers in the UK

Help from Home Improvement Agencies

If you are struggling to keep warm in your own home and it’s affecting your health and wellbeing, don’t suffer in silence. Help is available via the Foundations Independent Living Trust (FILT) which delivers grants...

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