Delicious natural alternatives to sugar and low glycaemic index sweeteners. Lessen your sugar intake while still catering for your sweet tooth
These products can help you eat and drink more healthily by reducing the amount of sugar and calories you ingest
See also:
Diabetes and Sugar Craving Products
Click on item for buying options, details and pricing Xylitol 1kg – Corn free (birch derived)
A delicious natural alternative to sugar but much lower in calories and which even has anti candida properties! You can make a delicious hot chocolate with 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder with 1-2 teaspoons of Xylitol.
Xylitol 250g – Corn Free
A delicious natural alternative to sugar but much lower in calories and which even has anti candida properties! You can make a delicious hot chocolate with 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder with 1-2 teaspoons of Xylitol.