Buy products for excess sweating (perspiration) causing embarrassment and self consciousness. Being a normal bodily function its generally not a problem. It can be a problem in certain situations if your excessive perspiration becomes really bad.
The products here combat the awkward dampness or never ending sweat patches, allowing you to lead a more dry and breezy life.
Click on item for buying options, details and pricing.
Perspirex Comfort Antiperspirant Roll-On 20ml
Perspirex Comfort antiperspirant roll-on offers an extra effective formulation that is gentle on underarm skin. Effective sweat and odour protection that is effective for 3-5 days.
Odaban Antiperspirant Pump Spray 30ml
Since 1970 Odaban has proved to be the most efficient antiperspirant available for under arm wetness, foot problems, wet palms and facial sweating
A gentle yet powerful aluminium-free natural charcoal deodorant packed with non-irritating, natural odour neutralisers & conditioners for a healthy, clean feel without harsh chemicals.
Perspi-Rock Natural Deodorant – 60g
- Safe, simple and 100% natural deodorant
- 100% chemical-free
- Gentle on skin
- Use all over the body for chemical-free sweat and odour protection
- Made from natural Alum crystals from mines across Asia