Herbal products to help with thyroid or adrenal deficiency problems.
Thyroid and adrenal problem products have been placed in the same category because thyroid deficiency is often caused by adrenal insufficiency. Similarly (though possibly to a lesser degree), thyroid deficiency causes adrenal deficiency – so it’s a vicious circle. Furthermore, candida tends to cause exhaustion of both glands, which then makes the candida worse! Another vicious circle, which should be broken at the earliest possible opportunity.
May help with problems such as an inability to lose weight through hypothyroidism, hair loss and constipation.
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Thyroid Health Products
Detoxadine® is a high-quality daily nascent iodine supplement made from dietary transformative iodine in a bio-elemental nanocolloidal state. Detoxadine® is gentle on your stomach and will not sting or burn when used externally. • Supports thyroid health • Helps balance iodine levels • 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
Botanical food supplement which may help maintain healthy thyroid activity. Re-formulated in view of EU THMPD (EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive) legislation.
This Canadian Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) is cultivated in clean ocean water and screened for pollutants.
TH207 is a unique combination of herbs, nutrients and enzymes including Kelp, Vitamin C, Siberian Ginseng and Niacin and Thiamine. It also provides iodine (from Kelp) and selenium which contribute to the normal thyroid function.
Thyroid Support Formula provides tyrosine, and the other key vitamins and minerals involved in thyroid hormone production and conversion of T4 thyroxine (the inactive form) to T3 (the active form). Ideally combined with Kelp Formula,
Adrenal Health Products
BioCare’s innovative AD206 contains specific nutrients and plant extracts to help support adrenal function during stressful periods.
Nutramedix Adrenal Support is a proprietary blend of the extracts of five adaptogenic plants – Schisandra, Astragalus, Snow Rose, Ginseng and Rhodiola which help maintain healthy adrenal function.
A standardised extract of Panax Ginseng providing ginsenosides and flavonoids to support energy balance and adrenal function.
GoGo Guarana 100 Vegitabs 500mg
100% Natural Energiser. Helps you to feel more energetic & alert. Helps to reduce mental fatigue. A much healthier approach than drinking coffee or red bull! May also assist weight loss.
GoGo Guarana 20 Caps (trial size) 500mg
GoGo Guarana Jungle Elixir (10 phials)
Ideal prior to a night out or a party, this quick acting Guarana tonic helps you to feel more energetic & alert. A much healthier way to increase energy than using Ecstasy!
A botanical product which may help maintain the adrenal glands. “Over the last decade or so we have seen only four people with healthy adrenals and only four people who tested negatively for Candida overgrowth…and they were indeed the same four people.”
Alternative to Licorice Formula for those sensitive to Guarana or Korean Ginseng. May help maintain healthy adrenal function. This product has been re-formulated in view of the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive.
Traditionally used to combat fatigue, increase libido, improve fertility, balance the hormonal system and improve mood.
Traditionally used by both men and women of the Inca to raise life force energy, strength, combat fatigue, raise libido, and balance the hormonal system (especially the adrenals).
Magnesium Plus Pantothenate – 60 Capsules
A combination of Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) and Magnesium. B5 is needed by the body for energy and neurotransmitter production, it is required for adrenal, nerve and muscle function, is supportive for the extra pressures of modern day lifestyles.
NADH 20mg 60 Sublingual Tablets
This is the only approved sublingal NADH from Professor George Birkmayer M.D., who was the developer of this nutrient. Yes, it is expensive, but it is the only brand that actually works. NADH provides ATP energy to the brain, nerves, muscles and the heart amongst other organs. Also known as CoEnzyme 1.
Pantothenic Acid 500mg 60 Capsules
Pantothenic acid, or Vitamin B5, is important for many processes in the body, particularly releasing energy from food and supporting the health of the bones, skin, hair and nails.
Phosphatidyl Serine – 30 Capsules
Phosphatidyl Serine is a phosholipid which supports the integrity of cell membranes and is found in high concentrations in the brain and is involved in adrenal and nerve cell function.
Phosphatidyl Serine 45 Capsules
Numerous research studies have already been undertaken, showing that Phosphatidyl serine helps maintain optimum brain and cognitive function. Allow 3 weeks for full effect. A daily multivitamin is also recommended.
Rhodiola Stress Relief 30 Tablets
Rhodiola Stress Relief is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and mild anxiety. Rhodiola is also known to support the adrenal glands. Can be combined with Passion Flower Relax Aid and Valerian Sleep Aid if necessay for further effect.
Suma (Brazilian Ginseng) 120 Vegicaps
Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) is a lush green flowering vine with a deep and intricate root system. It has been known to the indigenous peoples of the Amazon for thousands of years. In South America its common name is ‘para toda’ which translates as ‘for all things’, and is also known as ‘Brazilian ginseng’.